U.S. Wheat Applies for RAPP Funding to Promote Domestic Wheat Overseas

Lorrie Boyer
“One of the ways that we intend to use that is in the Colombian market. Colombia is a growing market good opportunity for us. It's close, of course, they have ports on both the Pacific and in the Caribbean. So we have ports on both of those areas. So it's a good opportunity, but in this case shows how our food aid programs also helped to build a longer-term opportunities. And specifically in this case, our team in South America was approached by a nonprofit organization. They wanted to conduct a food aid program. This is a way if the federal government purchases the wheat donated to those nonprofit organizations, then they can monetize it by selling it to local flour mills and using that money to fund their development programs.”
Mercer says if U.S. Wheat secures funding, it would allow them to employ a technical expert in Africa, a resource they currently lack.