Feedlot Numbers At Historic Levels
Lorrie Boyer
“You know, the Oklahoma City 750 day 100 pound price that we track here at the USDA that average about $241 cwt. By comparison the same month, a year ago would have been $184 cwt. So I mean, we're talking about, you know, over a 30% increase, year over a year. You know, those are those price increases we've seen steadily over the course of the past 12 months. We really saw the prices start to ramp up in the second and third quarters of last year. But nonetheless, it just reflects the fact that price of fear cattles has increased pretty dramatically over the past year. “
Therefore he says there is potential for good returns.
“There's a lot of opportunity for cow-calf operators to market their feeder cattle and you know, get a good return for those animals that they're taking off pasture taking off winter wheat pasture and placing them in the feedlot. Now there's there's good returns for it. There's also still relatively robust demand for beef in the country.”
The question now is with grilling season just around the corner, will consumer demand decrease as grocery store beef prices increase?