US Wheat Courts Carribean and Columbia Wheat Buyers

Lorrie Boyer
“We brought a trade consultant Mike Krueger out of Minnesota who provided market information at the meeting as well as our Regional Vice President Mitch Cholesky. And it was good that we were there because the Eastern Europeans were there also really pitching their wheat as cheaper alternatives. Of course, we were able to be there to remind those millers that The US wheat Associates has been actively involved in the Caribbean Millers Association almost since its inception. During a recent Caribbean Millers Association annual meeting, US wheat associates had the opportunity to promote us hard red winter wheat. According to Vice President of Communications, Steve Mercer.
“We brought a trade consultant Mike Krueger out of Minnesota who provided market information at the meeting as well as our vice president regional vice president Mitch Cholesky. And it was good that we were there because the Eastern Europeans were there also really pitching their wheat as cheaper alternatives. Of course, we were able to be there to remind those Millers that US Wheat Quality reliability has been there for many many years.”
Another market for hard red winter wheat has been Columbia as there is a very large flower Miller there and a large retail baking industry.
“They invited us to come in and work with in their plant to look at how can we improve the shelf life of our product? How can we improve the quality and so we were able to show them through testing that addition of more hybrid winter in their dough was definitely a way to improve the shelf life the quality texture, their breads.”
And their bottom lines, according to Mercer.