R-CALF USA Will Keep Pushing on the Farm Bill

R-CALF USA Will Keep Pushing on the Farm Bill

Lorrie Boyer
Lorrie Boyer
R-Calf United Stockgrowers of America CEO, Bill Bullard gives an overview of goals and initiatives that the organization will be focusing on for 2024, including the Farm Bill.

“Well, the big issue is the farm bill. And the big question is whether they can complete a farm bill in the midst of a 2024 election. And so there's some commentary saying that that's not likely to happen, we're going to keep pushing to include are very important provisions in the Farm Bill, including country of origin labeling for beef, including reforms so the Beef Checkoff Program to the OFF Act, and including some restrictions on these unpriced contracts that give them the Packers tremendous leverage over the marketplace. So we're going to keep pushing on the farm bill, our best opportunity probably as early as opposed to later because of the upcoming elections. And so it'll be a very, very interesting year, and we hope it will be even more productive than last year was.”

Bullard says R-CALF's primary objective for 2024 revolves around actively influencing and contributing to the formulation of the Farm Bill. A platform outline is available, and the R-CALF Farm Bill platform outline is available on their website, which is R-dash calfusa.com. This is the Line on Agriculure report.

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