California Seeing Less Snow & Rain and Deere a Hit at Consumer Electronics Show
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**Unlike 2023, when nonstop storms built a deep Sierra
Nevada snowpack, replenished depleted reservoirs and flooded parts of California, snowfall and rain has sharply diminished so far this year.
But, since last week’s first 2024 Sierra Nevada snow survey, storms have increased the January snowpack figure of 25% of average to 36%.
At this time last year, the state’s snowpack measured 117% of average, but key precipitation months are still to come.
**Combine harvester sales closed out the year ahead of 2022 levels, while almost all tractor segments saw declines in both the U.S. and Canada.
The latest Association of Equipment Manufacturers data shows total U.S. farm tractor sales fell 5.1% in December compared to 2022, while year-to-date sales came in 8.7% lower than the previous year.
Combine harvesters finished 2023 with sales up 1.7% last month.
AEM is confident about long-term sales growth.
**The Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas had plenty to offer in the way of future technology, including self-driving cars and Artificial Intelligence.
Radio Ink says broadcasters should be encouraged that radio continues to show up at a high-tech events.
John Deere showed off its future farmer-focused technology, including radio still playing a big part of the in-cab entertainment system.
This follows agriculture’s push to preserve the AM band in rural America.