US Wheat Rolls Out Sustainability Videos

Lorrie Boyer
“Stories of stewardship. So it is about how we producers in the United States are producing wheat for their families for the country and then for the world. Of course, it is our mission in ways that are very sustainable. You know, we hear a lot about sustainability today. I mean, corporate and social responsibility is a big part of business today. And of course, when you think about us wheat and how it's used overseas, it's promoted as milling wheat. So it is a food ingredient, and our customers are food companies. So the demand for information about how food is grown around the world is growing.”
The series comprises seven videos, starting with a trailer and followed by longer-form videos.
“We're going to be launching a longer form video on a Facebook Live premiere on January 10. And then there are individual stories about each of those five farmers that are going to be rolling out all videos.”
All videos can be found on the US wheat associates social media platforms.