07/28/06 Two keynoters for 07 Wash spud conf.

07/28/06 Two keynoters for 07 Wash spud conf.

Farm and Ranch July 28, 2006 When the Washington State Potato Conference and Trade Show is held in February of 2007 there will be two keynote speakers at the annual event in Moses Lake. Karen Bonaudi serves on the Potato Conference board. Bonaudi: "This year the guys liked Lowell Catlett so much that they really appreciated someone who could help them look into the future, look down the road at least. So we looked for someone different but similar. Additionally, the guys said bring back Ray Cesca." In the vein of Lowell Catlett, Ed Barlow delivers the first keynote on the Wednesday of the conference. Barlow has testified before Congress on numerous issues and his clients include the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association and Pepsi. Bonaudi: "The title of his speech is "Would you know opportunity if you tripped over it?". Ed Barlow is talking about looking at opportunities in a new way and what potato producers might do to adjust their thinking about marketing their product." The conference's Thursday keynote is Ray Cesca , the former Managing Director of McDonald's World Trade. Many growers missed his conference opening keynote in 2003 as they were unfamiliar with the format. Cesca now has his own company that helps small to medium sized enterprises to compete aggressively in international trade. Be sure and check the program for other scheduling changes for next year's conference. That's the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report. Brought to you in part by the Washington State Potato Commission. Nutrition today! Good health tomorrow! I'm Bob Hoff on the Northwest Ag Information Network.
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