US Wheat Associates Looking to Expand Global Presence

Lorrie Boyer
"The purpose of the rap program is really to increase funding for work to develop USwheat exports and agricultural exports in markets that are growing opportunity markets. We've done well in Canada, China, Mexico, but we see opportunity in South America and Africa and other areas. And USDA, you know, wants us to focus on those markets. With this funding (and) with the population and income of South America growing the US wheat associates are eager to enter that space and grow the demand for hard red winter wheat in Southeast Asia as well. So a market like Indonesia, you know, where we feel like we can compete with the Australians as well as well as the Russians in those markets. So those are the markets we're going to be focused on."
Mercer says that US Wheat Associates plans to submit their proposal for RAPP program funding in January with decisions to be made and funding available June 1, 2024.