Commerce Dept Lowers Fertilizer Duties and USDA Changes Livestock Rules
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**The Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Pest
Program saw its first substantial decline in Japanese beetle numbers this summer in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties, but over a wider area.
Japanese beetles were first detected in Grandview and Sunnyside in 2020 and mass trapping helped keep the numbers steady in 2021 and 22.
WSDA conducted a treatment for Japanese beetles this spring and hopes to see a further decline next year.
**Nutrien released a study called Bridging the Agricultural
Perception Divide between farmers and consumers and found the largest gaps are related to environmental stewardship and industry advancement.
Farmers were significantly more likely to agree with statements related to the responsible use of crop inputs, chemicals, environmental progress, farming careers, and soil quality.
The study also finds that younger consumers have the lowest interest and trust in agriculture.
**The USDA released a package of rules and orders seeking to increase competition in the livestock industry.
That package establishes a Chief Competition Officer at USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service.
The officer will help elevate and institutionalize competition-related concerns at USDA.
U.S. Cattlemen’s Association President, Justin Tupper says this is another item crossed off a to-do list the administration is following to ensure a fairer, more competitive marketplace for U.S. cattle producers.