Moving on Up for One Florida Auctioneer
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.The Quarterfinals of the 2024 World Livestock Auctioneer Championship were just held at the Tri-County Stockyards in Minnesota on October 25. A total of 35 auctioneers from all around the U.S. competed. Taking top honors was Marcus Kent out of Florida…
“It’s a great feeling. Never in my life did I think I’d walk away from one of these deals as a champion.”
He says his interest in auctioneering started at a young age and that his family features a long history of auctioneers…
“I think I’m number 23 in my family, so it was kind of something that I knew I always wanted to do. Kind of got away from it but then I went back to it. It’s just been a passion that I have enjoyed and I wouldn’t want to do anything else.”
He says the live auction is the most competitive auction method and provides true price discovery as well as bringing value to the entire community…
“There’s a lot of people that depend on this livestock market not just the employees that are here today, but the fuel stations downtown. The truckers go get fuel, these truckers, this is where they make their living as well. The restaurants. The tractor companies around here that sell tractors to these farmers. The parts companies ,the seed companies, the fertilizer companies, there’s a lot more business that depends on this livestock market than just the people who are here today.”
The next qualifying event will be held at Paris Stockyard in Paris, Kentucky on November 16.