World Record Soybean Georgia

World Record Soybean Georgia

Haylie Shipp
Haylie Shipp
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.

As the numbers on the monitor kept ticking higher, a farmer in Georgia realized he was onto something big – record big, in fact. To be precise, 206.7 bushels per acre on a soybean field in south Georgia. Not just big, it’s a world record soybean yield from farmer Alex Harrell…

“Last year we had corn on this field, we harvested the corn off, and it started that day with residue management and then we pull soil samples, one acre grid samples on every acre, and then we variable rate our lime and gypsum off of that. As far as in season, we choose a variety we want, we’re a cover crop system, I'll put a cover crop in the fall, burn that down, and then pre-plant, I apply chicken litter. Then, as far as in-season, we'll plant, and starting right after emergence at V1, we'll start pulling tissue samples, and I pull those every Monday. And by Wednesday afternoon, I've got those results back, and I make my sprays or my Y-drop applications or sidedress or injection through the irrigation.”

Whatever he applies next, he says, is based off of those tissue samples. The results, according to, were officially entered in the University of Georgia Extension soybean yield contest. UGA Extension Lee County coordinator Doug Collins was there to verify.

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