Importance of Conservation Programs in 2023 Farm Bill
Lorrie Boyer
“I was able to actually do an equip project four years ago, but the really neat thing was my grandpa did an equip project on the same track of land in 1957. And so it's never-ending that we can be more sustainable and focus on those things that truly help protect us as farmers and ranchers but also help protect the land. But an equip program is an incentive-based program that if you look at how to be more sustainable farmer, there's some incentives to help you implement those practices on your farm.”
Fellows explains that conservation programs are needed for sustainability.
“Because the prosperity and the future of our nation depends on the secure and sustainable food system. I don't think we recognize exactly what the Farm Bill does for everyday Americans. And being able to feed everybody in the nation is what we need to be focused on that helps everybody in our nation of food, eat and fiber to live off of.”
He adds it is important for producers to engage with lawmakers and share not only their story but how important agriculture is and what it does for the average American,