Unlocking Value From Data

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
Data is one of the most valuable assets in the agriculture industry today, but how do we make it more accessible to those who need it most? Dr. Tye Perrett, general manager of services and pharmaceutical supply at Feedlot Health by TELUS Agriculture, says it all starts with creating trust.
Perrett… “If we collect data up and down the value chain, you know, and you can talk about whether that’s in crop agriculture, in our case in animal agriculture specifically beef cattle production, if we have data collected up and down that chain, how can we create a system by which that data can get shared among the participants in a way that everybody’s comfortable with, and then how do we unlock value that currently is difficult to unlock because we have data in various silos. And that’s I guess maybe the third bucket and that’s a huge task. You don’t do that overnight, but if someone’s going to get it done it’s going to be a company like TELUS which understands data, which understands technology, and has the wherewithal from a capital point of view to tackle a significant project.”
That’s Tye Perrett of Feedlot Management Services by TELUS Agriculture.