A North Dakota Court's Impact on the Southeast
A North Dakota court ruling having an impact right here in the Southeast…With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.
Well clear up in North Dakota, the North Dakota Federal District Court ruling against the new Waters of the U.S. rule (WOTUS) is the second of its kind and according to Travis Cushman, American Farm Bureau Federation Deputy General Counsel, a win for farmers and ranchers. He says the ruling blocks WOTUS in more than half of the country…
“The North Dakota Court stops the rule from being in effect in 24 states. AFBF and another group of industry folks, we've challenged the rule in both Texas and in North Dakota. So, with this decision, because we also got the rule stopped in two states in the Texas case, that means the rule is now stopped in over half the country, 26 states.”
Cushman says the court ruling aligns with the arguments made by Farm Bureau…
“The EPA’s interpretation of the 2023 rule does not provide any clarity to which the states can easily conform. It’s an absolute smackdown on this new rule and we completely agree with the court’s analysis on that.”
So how does it sit here in our region? Well, this preliminary injunction does affect Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. We’ll look at it right here on the Ag Information Network on a more local scale next week.