Another Day, Another WOTUS Story
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I’m Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.EPA Administrator Michael Regan defended his agency’s issuing its final WOTUS rule in December, ahead of what could be a watershed Supreme Court WOTUS ruling later this year.
Regan was pressed by GOP senators at an Environment and Public Works hearing on why EPA jumped ahead of the Supreme Court’s ruling expected by June in Sackett vs. EPA--one that could clarify the definition of a Water of the United States…
“If we had waited until this ruling in June, we would have had to start a two-year process, if not more, and that would have left a lot more uncertainty, because of the (vacature) of the Trump rule, and because the Obama rule was not in place.”
Nebraska Senator Pete Ricketts then asked Regan if EPA will have to start a new two-year rulemaking anyway, after the Supreme Court rules…
“No, we believe that there are other aspects of WOTUS that we have already taken care of, and we will adjust to that new definition. WOTUS is a little bit more expansive and impactful than just navigable waters. So, we’ve taken care of all those other externalities, we would adjust whatever decision we get from Sackett, and then we would be moving forward on what we predict to be a much shorter timeframe.”
Some complained Regan and EPA were ignoring 25 states who’ve sued to pause the Biden rule, two—Texas and Idaho—successfully in those states.