USMEF Promotes Domestic Meat at Internation Food Show
Lorrie Boyer
“Gulfood show was the second year back from COVID. But this year was extremely busy more than back to normal. In fact, I think when the final stats are out, it'll be record attendance estimates were that in five days, it'd be over 100,000 people in attendance and it was quite impressive, as busy as I've ever seen it while based in Dubai and centered around the Middle East region. It's certainly not limited to that. In fact, I would say it's in fact a global food show. We have a lot of buyers, a lot of interest around the continent of Africa, buyers from Nigeria, South Africa and go list goes on. Also, you know Asia, quite a few Chinese buyers there, and a few from other parts of Asia as well.”
Halstrom says they are targeting customers with a capacity to purchase higher end beef products.
“But it’s not too crowded of a space for high quality grain fed. We're not appealing to every customer in the region by any means we're appealing to that demographic that could afford the higher quality of us grain fed beef.”
US Meat Export Federation, President and CEO Dan Halstrom.