Wood Structures
Innovation in the wood products at wood energy sectors has expanded significantly in just over the last two decades. Some examples provided by Brian Bradshaw of the U.S. Forest Service include Speaker2: Increases in tall timber buildings that are using a product called cross laminated timber or mass timber, and it is allowing us to build buildings that have never been built out of wood before sports arenas. Tall timber buildings across the country. Speaker1: And then when you consider Speaker2: Other wood products in biofuels and biochemicals, plus advances in markets for a product called biochar that is an emerging product that has a variety of applications in land use, soil amendments, water filtration and even as potential for cattle feed additive. Speaker1: The future looks bright for new and creative ways to develop wood based products. The Agriculture Department through the Forest Service, continues its support of such research and development, such Speaker2: As our Wood Innovations Program partners with many of our stakeholders, tribes, states, private organizations to advance markets for wood products. The Forest Service also has our National Laboratory, the Forest Products Laboratory that is working on quite a number of emerging wood research applications for wood products, cellulose nanomaterials, wood products, cross laminated timber and others, Speaker1: And a series of annual awards. The Wood Innovation Grant and community would grant programs. Speaker2: Our grant programs are really focused on trying to develop and expand market for wood products, so we are working in near term areas to support these markets that really have a strong connection to sustainable forest management for twenty two. Speaker1: The two programs are currently accepting applications for $30 million in grant monies. Speaker2: One is the 2022 Wood Innovations Grant Program, and that program is really focused on strengthening emerging markets for innovative wood products. The second program is the 2022 Community Wood Grant Program, and that program is really focused on supporting the costs of installing wood energy Speaker2: systems or building innovative wood products facilities.Speaker1: Grant applications for both programs are due by January 19th. Meanwhile, a webinar for interested grant applicants is scheduled for November 9th at the Forest Service Wood Innovations Web page at W-w-what Fest. Usda gov brochure adds Speaker2: We have seen with many applicants when they connect with our regional wood innovations coordinators that engagement and direction has really helped create high performing projects that have a good chance of success Speaker1: Abroad.