Cheese Innovation

Cheese Innovation

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Innovation in agriculture includes developing products to meet consumer demands, Paul Ziemninsky of Dairy Management Inc says dairy is already an important ingredient in beverages and food products. Yet to further advance its contribution in the nutrition space, you're going to see more investment in those filtration technologies that will enable to extract the value of the micronutrients of milk to enhance the nutritional needs of consumer Innovation and nutrition will also mean advanced science to help determine and explain to consumers, dairy's role in gut health. Science will be able to actually tell them, causing that stress or the role of dairy and actually helping with things like inflammation and probiotics gut health. Other innovation will center on blending or create a new flavor palettes for dairy. I see cheese infused with fruit, cheese infused with wine, cheese infused with nuts, and these new unique combination of things for snacking occasion or entertaining occasion. 1970. It was all about the block of cheese. It was mostly cheddar and mozzarella. Then innovation really from 70s and 80s was cutting cheese and like shredding. You think about making it easier to use versus shredding. Then you get into the 80s in that space and you start seeing advancements in more the ethnic flavors, the introduction of Italian shreds or Mexican shreds or pizza shreds kind of following the usage of the product around 2000, we started to see more investment snacking where the sticks, the cubes right on the go, following the consumers lives and their behavior. And that's where you think about the lifestyle change, the consumers and the occasions and usage. That's where you make your money and you listen to the consumer.
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