Carbon Credits and Cotton

Carbon Credits and Cotton

Haylie Shipp
Haylie Shipp
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.

Carbon credits and cotton. A new collaboration is now offering southern cotton growers the chance to participate in carbon markets. The Ecosystem Services Market Consortium (ESMC), US Cotton Trust Protocol, Manulife Investment Management, and Forum for the Future announced the effort earlier this week.

The collaboration launched an Eco-Harvest pilot project in Alabama, Arkansas, Texas, and Tennessee. The project will work with cotton farmers to generate high-quality carbon and greenhouse gas credits on more than 2,300 acres. Cotton producers targeted for enrollment include those implementing conservation practices such as nutrient management, reduced tillage, and cover crops.

Once producers are enrolled in the Eco-Harvest program, ESMC quantifies credits and arranges third-party credit verification by a global certification body. Corporate buyers can purchase these verified credits to help meet their supply chain sustainability targets.

Learn more about the program at

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