Camp Rainbow Gold 2

Camp Rainbow Gold 2

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
I'm Bill Flanders. I'm Toni Flanders. Speaker2: And we got involved with Camp Rainbow Gold because of our daughter who was a camper. And then later we became volunteers and we've been volunteering for a few years and they're a part of our family. So when we first started volunteering, I started doing archery and Tawny would work miscellaneous positions. Speaker3: I did the kiosk and the art check a few times. Speaker2: And then from then on we eventually joined the scholarship committee, both of us. And then I've done archery quite a bit for probably ten plus years. And the last couple of years Tawny has joined me to help out. So we got involved with camp because our. Daughter was diagnosed with cancer at five years old. And then when she turned six, she she came to camp. And at that point, she had never even been away from her family.
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