Good 2022

Good 2022

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Intriguing prediction from U of I agricultural economist Dr. Garth Taylor, Idaho AG Today. Speaker2: I don't know how old you are. I will turn 70 in a couple more days. One of the last times I said this to a farm group and I said, You old people like I am, I want you to turn around and tell the young whippersnappers that, ah, in the fifties, these young kids, what it's like to have 6% operating loan. Tell them, warn them. Farmers need to be warned about this, especially people who have never seen it before and think that this is just going to go up. I'll tell you again and again, farmers are infinitely adjustable when it comes to things. It's just amazing. 2021 was a difficult year for farmers, a terrible year to adjust things and droughts and everything else, and yet they do magnificently break all time records. That's an achievement in and of itself. But they don't dodge the inflation bullet. They just cannot. It's just something that's just raises everything. I heard of people selling milk for 2800. They think they're making money. They turn around and have to pay 350 for a ton of hay. These are really terrible times that it's going to squeeze that rate. So what are we looking at next year? In 2022, despite everything we're looking at record high on the sales again now on the net? Well, I don't know if we caught up with these diesel and fertilizer prices, David, if we went over the top of that, that's always a question. My feeling was we did. Despite what everybody's telling me, we look at new record highs on the gross and the net in 2022. Speaker1: Your lips to God's ear.
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