Fertilizer Available at a Price
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I’m Haylie Shipp.Global implications impacting the fertilizer market…that sounds simple, right? Corey Rosenbusch is the President and CEO of The Fertilizer Institute.
“Well we’re in the midst of spring planting season so, you know, my hope would be that most have already planned ahead and have their plant nutrients secured and purchased and bought and committed already for spring planting season. Anyone that has not and would be looking at the spot market, it’s going to be a really challenging market right now to be procuring product on the spot.”
While this year is abnormal, supply challenges during spring planting are not.
“We always have supply challenges in the spring. Just in time – very short planting windows when we have to get seed and fertilizer in the ground. And with our transportation systems, we always experience that every year. But outside of those normal disruptions, you know, we are hearing that supply should be available. It’s just a matter of is it at a price that the farmer’s willing to pay.”
This all, according to Rosenbusch, brings us back to the 4Rs: right source, right rate, right time, right place adding that feeding the soil is the first step in feeding us all.