Beef challenges

Beef challenges

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Had a question for Bill Likely Idaho Beef Council chairman, I know we've been suffering drought in the West and a lot of beef producers have complained bitterly about it and trying to adopt different strategies for raising beef, maybe selling off part of the herd. But what are some of the unique challenges that Idaho farmers and ranchers face today? And how's the current strategy working to address those challenges? Speaker2: Idaho rancher sure haven't been immune to the drought situation. Unfortunately, the Beef Council and the checkoff can't make it rain. But what we can do is work to make the value of what we do produce better, higher. So we kind of start with research, and the data today shows us that beef demand is strong with the pandemic. Consumers learned how to stock up, but they went out and bought more than they had been to bring home and put it in the freezer. But then they came back and said, Well, now we need to know how to prepare it. That's definitely a unique challenge that we had. We're tickled to death that Idaho and U.S. consumers are interested in preparing meals at home again, and so we want to be there to help them be successful with that. More consumers are eating beef as takeout or having it delivered, so that's kind of a new delivery method consumer to retailer point that we want to get our message into.
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