Christian Quested and his hunting buddy, Nathan, go on an extraordinary elk hunt. I got one this year and we actually let Nathan's son shoot it. I would have been a personal best for me that we'd chased almost a week and he kept moving around a couple of basins every day. Take us all day long to find his cows, and then he'd step out maybe five minutes of light left every day. And so for three or four days, we weren't in a position to shoot him, and I was getting excited because we were figuring this guy out. And the very last day before we gave up on him, he stood in really big ravine and more on one side and glassing the other side. And we found the cows and we were waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and finally see him behind a tree. But he won't move out from the tree, and there's really no place we could go to get a better shot at him. So we just waited and waited. And finally, it's almost a cliff. It's so steep and probably about six hundred and fifty yards away. And he finally steps out and there was no wind where we were. And to be honest, I practice out to a thousand yards all the time, and I'm really comfortable with that. I mean, obviously, you do everything you can to not have to do that. But I was looking at Nathan and we kind of Roesch Ambode and I won. So that means it was going to be my out and I'm staring at him and he wasn't quite positioned right. But then I was like, This is it? And it's either now or not going to happen. They finally got a shot at this massive bull and Christian mist. More details tomorrow.