Select Animals Meds to Become Prescription-Only
With your Southeast Ag Report, I’m Haylie Shipp.The American Veterinary Medical Association is the nation's leading advocate for the veterinary profession. Representing more than 99,500 members, the AVMA touts a mission to protect, promote and advance the needs of all veterinarians and those they serve.
With part of that mission being education and the dissemination of information, a recent announcement from the group is of interest to veterinarians and those in animal agriculture.
I spoke with Dr. Heather Grimm, DVM late last month...
“The AVMA announced earlier this month that products that have typically been over the counter - so your injectable penicillin and oxytetracycline - those products are going to become by prescription as soon as 2022, but definitely by 2023.”
That means you won't be able to go to the feed store to pick them up.
"For producers that are needing a prescription for these products, it is now important to remember that that will require what is considered a valid veterinary/client patient relationship. I, as the veterinarian, I know who you are, I've been out to your operation typically within the last 6-12 months, I've done some sort of work for you that indicates that I know you understand what this medication is, how to use it, how to administer it.”
And, of course if you’ve got any questions, contact your personal veterinarian for their advice.