Lumber Harvest Dec 1
Mike Stephens
News Reporter
We're started off taking all the beetle kill and drought killed trees, and now we're taking all the the fire killed trees from up in the Sierra and turn them into lumber before they spoil. So mostly just out of Fresno Madera counties, but we'll get logs from other places too. Down to Larry County sometimes and wherever we can find them. It's a lot of people that are interested in buying local stuff if we can help them out. We're not exactly selling the same exact product as Home Depot. We're in the local Sierra Nevada. We don't have Douglas FIR. There's a couple stands of Douglas FIR, but it's mostly white fir ponderosa pine sugar pine cedar and and we don't have a grade stamp, but we can hire a lumber inspector to come out and grade stamp it for people who are just doing backyard projects or different things that don't necessarily require a great stamp. They come to us, or even if they do, we've hired the inspector out here a couple of times to come great projects for people. There's a lot of interest. It seems like word of mouth is spreading and people keep calling every day for lumber because they they like to see our own local trees be turned into something functional here instead of importing it from out of state or Canada.