Using AI to enforce trespassing
Tee Green is a software developer who uses cameras and artificial intelligence to monitor large acreages in minutes. He can learn about wildlife, domestic herds and trespassers.In our ranch in West Texas we pull cards every Tuesday. We have 30 something stands so, I guess, 30 some cards. And what would take weeks and weeks now takes 30 minutes. And the thing is, as far as timesaving and cost savings, we're not paying somebody to sort through all these pictures. Our technology is doing it for us. So if you're a ranch owner, you can see the value you have to pay people to do this. But if you're like a biologist and you're serving multiple ranches now, you have to just think about what these biologists do, you know, when they work they just sit there in front of pictures and go, buck, doe, buck, doe the cold management shoot, I mean, they just spend weeks and weeks and that would just make you go cross-eyed and now we're able to give them a service. They can do it minutes just out here out in the West. I'm in Boise, in Idaho. There's always a big thing about hunters infringing on people's land. And there have been lots and lots of encounters between ranch owners and what I want to call renegade irresponsible hunters. You could manage all of that as well, couldn't you know? Absolutely. At least you could identify the problem. You could turn it over to law enforcement, right. Pretty slick.