Cargo Shipping Problems Aug 31

Cargo Shipping Problems Aug 31

Mike Stephens
Mike Stephens
News Reporter
For California AG today, I'm Mike Stephens, worldwide cargo shipping problems are increasing. We continue with Tracey Chow of Western Growers. Founded in nineteen twenty six Western growers represents local and regional family farms, growing fresh produce in Arizona, California, Colorado and New Mexico. The members and their workers provide over half the nation's fresh fruit, vegetables and tree nuts, including nearly half of America's fresh organic produce. Tracy explains how the ongoing situation could last for some time.

And so, again, like we became aware of this issue in the fall, and we've been proactive in trying to address it ever since. And we're now coming up on probably the year anniversary, unfortunately, of what conditions have not gotten better. It's become extremely expensive to try and ship a lot of demand for containers and spaces on ships to go overseas. And this is becoming a problem sort of downstream in terms of what can be exported, what the buyers are willing to pay, and just really just overall being just a lot of uncertainty in the trading space. And we don't anticipate that this is going to get resolved any time soon. The latest estimates that we've heard is that these types of congestions and delays and cost, we could be we could be seen as happe we could see this happening until in the quarter two of next year. So June. Twenty twenty two potentially.

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