Japan Grant California Plums

Mike Stephens
News Reporter
Main players were USDA, APHIS, that's an animal plant health inspection service. So they lead the official negotiation with their counterparts in Japan and in Japan. It's MAFF, and that's Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. So those are the two official government to government negotiations. And then on behalf of industry, DFA worked with APHIS directly. Industry has to ask the US government to initiate access.
There were other agencies that had supporting roles,
USDA, particularly RS, the Research Service, and then the counties of Fresno and Tulare. Those are the folks that have the on the ground knowledge of what's going to work and not going to work in terms of protocols, practices put in place to ensure that the integrity of the consignments are pest free. So ensure that consignments meet the Japanese standard. You're working with people from APHIS and the county that the paker is in.