Bryant Christie Inc. helps companies and organizations open, access, and expand international markets and doing a lot of global work with agricultural exports and such. A chat with Bill Bryant. The first thing we need to do is really solidify the relationship of Canada and Mexico. We have sacrificed some markets in Mexico, Mexico, which used to only purchase for the most part, the agricultural goods from the United States, is now beginning to purchase product from Brazil and a little bit from Europe because Europe has moved in to negotiate an agreement with Mexico while we were warring with them. We need to solidify that relationship with Mexico and with Canada. If you have North America working together, there is no country on the planet that can touch us. You have the energy and the fresh water and the agricultural potential of Canada. You have the agriculture and the energy and the labor of Mexico. And you combine that with the capital and the labor and the energy of the United States. There is no country that could touch North America if we're all working together. So the first thing to do is to make sure that we have a very solid relationship with Canada and Mexico. Then let's reestablish our relationship with Japan, the European Union. You put those together and you're active in the World Trade Organization through the WTO. We could exert collectively pressure on China to follow the rules they agreed to follow or get out of the club.