Managing Tadpole Shrimp in Rice Fields - Part Two

Managing Tadpole Shrimp in Rice Fields - Part Two

Tim Hammerich
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
With California Ag Today, I’m Tim Hammerich.

Tadpole shrimp evolved to survive in vernal pools and are unfortunately well-adapted to persist in rice fields, eating seedings. There is a growing concern that traditional control measures are becoming less effective. Researchers at UC Ag and Natural Resources are taking actions this season to try to assess the problem and look for new solutions. Ian Grettenberger is an assistant cooperative extension specialist with UCANR.

Grettenberger… “One, we are evaluating alternative tools because right now pyrethroids are super cheap. And so if you're going to compete with a pyrethroid you need to be competitive. And so the combination of, you know, seeing if different rates could work, lower rates could save costs or also timing in terms of, could you wait a little bit and still get efficacy, um, and thus be a little more conservative.”

Grettenbergers says in addition to looking for other options, they are also going to try to quantify resistance to pyrethroids in these tadpole shrimp.

Grettenberger… “is an assistant cooperative extension specialist with UC Ag and Natural Resources.”

For more information or to report issues with tadpole shrimp, reach out to Ian Grettenberger or your local farm advisor.

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