Farm Safety
-Farm Bureaus across the nation are preparing for Agricultural Safety Awareness Program Week, Feb. 28 – March 6. U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers will join Farm Bureau in promoting ag safety this week with the theme “Driving Safety Home.”The Idaho Farm Bureau is one of many state farm bureaus that produced videos. IFBF produced a story about road safety featuring Canyon Counties' efforts to address road safety issues in that county.
Farm Bureau and U.S. Ag Centers will focus on sharing information about a different safety area each day of ASAP Week:
Monday, March 1 – Farmer Roadway Safety (farmer perspective)
Tuesday, March 2 – Caretaker Support (caring for aging or ill family members)
Wednesday, March 3 – General Farmer Wellness (staying healthy overall)
Thursday, March 4 – Mental Health (coping with stress)
Friday, March 5 – Community Roadway Safety (motorist perspective)
“As recent severe weather and coping with its aftermath continues to affect people across most of the country, focusing on safety becomes even more important on the farm and ranch,” said American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall. “During Agricultural Safety Awareness Week and throughout the year, we encourage farmers and ranchers to make safety a priority,” he said.
The Agricultural Safety Awareness Program is a part of the Farm Bureau Health and Safety Network of professionals who share an interest in identifying and decreasing safety and health risks. For more information and resources, visit the ASAP Facebook page.
Visit the Ag Centers’ YouTube channel ( for new content and fresh ideas about how to stay safe while working in agriculture, forestry, and fishing.
Join the movement to keep farms safe and share your own safety messages on social media using these hashtags: