Farm Kid Paradox Pt 3
I’m Bob Larson. House Democrats in Olympia are moving ahead with a series of three policies changes that could push gas and diesel prices in our state through the roof.One involves a 16-year plan for raising the gas tax an additional .18 cents per gallon, to 85.8 cents per gallon, the highest in the nation …
ELSEY … “Now, there’s actually going to be three different proposals floating around here soon. But this one is getting a lot of media attention and for good reason. It will be the largest transportation tax package in Washington history.”
A tax that high, according to the Washington Farm Bureau’s Breanne Elsey would hit agriculture especially hard, especially now …
ELSEY … “Of course, that’s going to have incredible effects on the farming community and really a lot of industries right now as we deal with kind of this COVID world and a recession and trying to rebound. So, this package is very large. It’s $26-billion over 16 years with 28 different revenue tax increases.”
And that, Elsey says is just one of three parts …
ELSEY … “One, you mentioned, that’s the .18 cent gas tax increase. In addition, there’s a diesel fuel tax increase of .03 cents a gallon. And then, on top of that you’ve got this carbon tax which starts at $15 per metric ton.”
And, if that seems like it’s more than enough … tune in tomorrow when Elsey tells us how and why there’s more.