California Foods for the Holidays

California Foods for the Holidays

Tim Hammerich
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
With California Ag Today, I’m Tim Hammerich.

The holiday season is upon us. This time of year is significant for many crops throughout the state. Here are a few stories courtesy of the California Farm Bureau.

Throughout the California food business, farmers and marketers have been trying to gauge changing demand for holiday-related items. The head of the California Poultry Federation says people have been buying more turkey breasts and fewer large turkeys, as they downsize holiday gatherings. If more people cook at home, demand for dairy products and other foods could change. Wine marketers say they expect a strong fourth quarter, as usual.

They’re a staple of holiday meals, and sweet potatoes have also achieved more year-round popularity. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports the nation’s per-person consumption of sweet potatoes has nearly doubled in the past 20 years. The average retail price for sweet potatoes is lower than a year ago, according to the annual American Farm Bureau survey of Thanksgiving foods. The total cost for the Farm Bureau food basket declined 4%.

Poinsettias and other holiday greenery have been selling well at California nurseries. One Sacramento-area nursery chain says its poinsettia sales have doubled from a year ago. Marketers say people appear to be decorating their homes early during the pandemic, but add that poinsettia sales to churches could decline due to restrictions on indoor services. Nurseries say precut Christmas trees have also been selling briskly.

[Source: California Farm Bureau Federation]

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