American Lamb Jam Set for Epic 10th Year
A little more than a decade ago, the American Lamb Board (ALB) came up with a novel idea: create an event featuring a city’s most innovative chefs, giving them a venue to showcase and reward their talents. And, use this event to introduce consumers to American Lamb’s great taste while enjoying it with friends. Thus Lamb Jam began.Now, 10 years later, the American Lamb Jam is an epic chef competition and gastronomic experience that brings together the most talented chefs at each of the 6 tour stops to vie for the title of Lamb Jam Champion and celebrate the 80,000 family operated farms and ranches raising lamb across the nation.
“Lamb Jam is attracting millennials who afterwards appreciate the versatility of lamb and are likely to ask their butcher for American Lamb,” said Gwen Kitzan, ALB chairman from Nisland, SD. “I encourage the sheep community to visit the Lamb Jam website,, to see how your American Lamb checkoff is showcasing our products to consumers and influencers.”
Evaluation data following the 2019 tour indicates Lamb Jam’s success:
-After attending Lamb Jam, 55% are more likely to ask for American Lamb
-Millennials account for 39% of attendees
-96% of chefs would compete in Lamb Jam again
-65% of attendees were new to Lamb Jam
The 2020 tour kicks off March 29 at the Hotel Van Zandt in Austin, TX. It’s where the culinary adventurous will come to eat, sip, play and explore as 16 of Austin’s most talented chefs prepare American Lamb. Tickets are on sale now for the Austin Lamb Jam at
2020 Lamb Jam Tour
Austin, TX March 29
Seattle, WA May 31
Washington, DC June 7
Boston, MA June 28
San Francisco, CA July 19
Denver, CO August 23