USMCA and China Pt 1
I’m Bob Larson. With what seems to be significant progress on a few different trade agreements, one of the biggest, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, appears to be on its way for a vote.U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse says it’s about time …
NEWHOUSE … “Earlier this week, we heard news that the Speaker of the House has given the green light to the USMCA and so that, you’re absolutely right, we should vote on the House floor to approve the USMCA trade agreement.”
And, Newhouse isn’t expecting any more hold ups or delays …
NEWHOUSE … “My guess is that it will be an overwhelming approval, the number of votes yes for the USMCA. I’m not sure which day it will be, but prior to us adjourning for the Christmas break I’m that it will happen.”
After House passage, Newhouse says the rest should be relatively easy …
NEWHOUSE … “Getting it through the House, that was the biggest obstacle. I think it will pass through the Senate easily, but getting the consideration by the House, as you know, has taken over a year since it was negotiated and agreed to in principle on the part of the three countries. And so, this truly is a big deal for us to be able to consider now in the House and move it on to the Senate.”
Listen tomorrow for what seems to be more good trade news, this time in our negotiations with China and what the White House is calling “an agreement.”