More Real Christmas Trees Being Sold
More Real Christmas Trees Being SoldThere has been a huge increase in the number of real Christmas trees being sold.
Tim O'Connor with the National Christmas Tree Association explains...
Millennial Families turn to real trees for lasting Christmas memories as data confirms real
trees have a positive impact on the environment. Everything from the scent to the search is an
experience no artificial tree can replace; plus, choosing a real Christmas tree is an
environmentally conscious decision Millennials can feel good about.
Millennials are creating their own Christmas traditions by seeking out real Christmas trees.
Some of their baby boomer parents have turned to fake trees as they have aged. Millennials tend to want
everything in their life to be authentic, natural, and meaningful. Their purchasing decisions and preferences are
driving trends from artisan goods, to organic produce, to authentic and adventurous experiences. Real
Christmas Trees and the family experience of selecting it fall right in line with all of these interests.
Real Christmas trees smell like Christmas. Going to pick out your real Christmas tree is an event to look
forward to and remember forever. Every tree is unique. It becomes a one-of-a-kind icon for each year in your
family’s history.
Real Christmas trees come from the earth and return to the earth; they are biodegradable, and can be reused for
mulch or recycled in multiple ways. Christmas tree farmers make sure planting and harvesting are balanced to
protect the environment. In fact, for every real Christmas tree they harvest, they plant at least one new tree.
Research has demonstrated the growing of real Christmas trees helps with carbon sequestration, naturally
working to slow down climate change.
“A Real Christmas tree is the traditional symbol for this season of giving, sharing, and family gatherings,” says
Paul Schroeder, a Christmas tree grower from Wisconsin and president of the National Christmas Tree
Association (NCTA). “Nothing says Christmas more than the fresh scent, feel and evergreen beauty of a real
Christmas tree.”