Livestock Provide Multiple Benefits to America's Federal Lands
Livestock continue play a critical role in the overall health of our nation's federal lands.Robbie LeValley and family utilize BLM allotments near Delta, Colorado. She says the native grasses, flowering forbs and brush on these federal allotments have evolved with grazing and provide multiple benefits.
"So, on BLM lands and U.S. Forest Service lands, when we have managed grazing and we manage for the rest and we manage for appropriate growth, we have a highly palatable food for not only our beef cattle and our sheep, but also for wildlife as well" said LeValley. "And we're able to take this carbon source and utilize it to provide a high-quality protein source for not only here locally, but for the U.S. as a whole."
She says ranchers who utilize our nation's federal lands take their jobs very seriously in managing these BLM and Forest Service grazing allotments.
"We do" said LeValley. "We highlight our BLM, we manage our BLM just as we manage our private for not only our livestock, but again for the wildlife and for the Gunnison sage grouse."
This week public lands ranchers are meeting this week in Great Falls, Montana for their annual meeting. To learn more about the PLC, visit