Marketline Report for Friday, April 19th
This is Bob Larson with the Market Line Report for Friday, Apr 19th. Demand continues to drive the cattle market in Thursday trading. From the floor of the CME in Chicago, here's Terry Roggensack.ROGGENSACK ... "Boxed beef cutout values are at the highest level since June 27th of 2017. This in spite of higher beef production this year compared with last year and compared with 2017. So, in spite of the higher production the demand continues to come in very strong. And, now we're looking at a shift from cold and wet weather across much of the U.S. to warm and, in some cases, drier weather, but above normal temperatures the next two weeks, especially on the east coast, is going to spark some pretty aggressive beef consumer demand across the board for bar-b-q season."
Chicago May Wheat prices closed yesterday dn 2 ¾ at 445 ½
May Corn was up ¼ at 358 ½
Portland prices for soft white wheat of Ordinary Protein for Apr ended the day dn 5 ranging from 5-85 to 5-90 Hard Red Winter wheat with 11 ½ % protein, prices for Apr were dn ½ ranging from 5-90 to 6-15 DNS wheat with 14 % protein, prices for Apr were dn 4 ¼ ranging from 6-28 ¼ to 6-38 ¼
Live Cattle for Apr were up $1.60 at 128.57 ½ Apr Feeder cattle are up $.37 ½ to 145.67 ½ Apr Class III milk was up .01 cents at 15.93