U.S. Milk Production Up and Dicamba Damage to Soybeans
From the Ag Information Network, I'm Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**The latest milk production data from USDA shows farmers are still generating a lot of milk despite low prices.
Agweb.com reports, Colorado surged ahead, increasing production by 11% from last year, followed by Kansas with a 7.5% increase and Texas at 6.6%.
Overall milk production in the top 23 milk producing states last month was 17.2 billion lbs., up 1.3% from a year ago.
**Weed scientists estimate at least 1.2% of U.S. soybean plantings have been damaged accidentally by the weed killer dicamba despite stricter limits on its use this year.
According to agriculture.com, the University of Missouri report shows damage was highest in Illinois, the No. 1 soybean-growing state, where 500,000 acres of the U.S. total of 1.1 million damaged acres are located.
Arkansas was second with 300,000 damaged acres.
An estimated 2.5 million acres of soy damage were reported at this point in 2017.
**President Trump spoke at a roundtable discussion in Iowa last week on a range of topics, including trade deals and Canada.
Agriculture.com reports the President told the crowd ALL of the trade deals we had were bad, especially Canada that has a 375% tax on our dairy products and we run a $97.8 billion trade deficit with them.
He also spoke about last week's meeting with the European Minister in which a letter of intent was signed on a new relationship, saying we just opened up Europe to U.S. farmers.