Oregon Wolf Compensation Hearing
Hi everybody it's time for your Wednesday Agri Beef Minute here on the Ag Information Network of the West-I'm Russell Nemetz.It's hard to raise quality beef if predators are killing and eating your cattle. That's why our friends at the Oregon Cattlemen's Association have put out a call to action today regarding a public hearing for the wolf compensation bill-HB 4106.
The hearing is coming up this Thursday, February 8th in Hearing Room D at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, OR and it's set to run 8 AM-9:45 AM.
OCA says some of the reasons to support HB 4106 include:
•Improving human tolerance of wolves in Oregon with livestock owners
•Compensate those individuals who suffer losses, so the rest of the Oregon residents bear some of the burden by contributing financially
•State compensation is important to help secure federal matching funds
•To help develop long term plans for non-lethal tactics
That's your Land and Livestock Report-I'm Russell Nemetz.