USDA Grain Ispections and Trump Comments on NAFTA
From the Ag Information Network, I'm Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**Praise and criticism after a report delivered to the White House last week recommending changes to the boundaries of a "handful" of national monuments.
According to Agri-Pulse, the report is the result of a review led by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, who was directed to do so by President Trump in an executive order issued in April.
In the order, Trump says monuments designated without proper public outreach or coordination with states and local stakeholders might stifle efforts to achieve "energy independence, restrict public access "and otherwise curtail economic growth."
**The USDA reports corn, soybean, and wheat export inspections for the week ending August 24th remain ahead of what's needed to meet projections for the respective marketing years.
The 2016/17 marketing year for beans, corn, and sorghum runs through August 31st and the 2017/18 marketing year for wheat started June 1st.
Wheat came out at 670,748 tons, up 78,501 from the week ending August 17th and 93,448 higher than the week ending August 25th, last year.
**More worries after President Trump said 'Mexico and Canada are being "very difficult" in negotiations for the new NAFTA,' with the second round of talks to begin on Friday, adding in a tweet, "may have to terminate?"
It was the second time since talks started that the president has said the U.S. might abandon the 1994 free-trade agreement among the three largest countries, and neighbors, on the continent.