Biofuel Growth Expected and Farm Subsidies Report
From the Ag Information Network, I'm Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.Whether it's past achievements or bipartisan Senate support, at least one insider expects biodiesel and other advanced biofuels to continue their rapid growth.
Founder and CEO of the government relations firm Playmaker Strategies, Larry Schafer is confident despite the fact the White House website archived all of the Obama administration's energy and climate change documents and posted President Trump's "America First Energy Plan."
Trump's plan commits to "eliminating" Obama's court-stayed Clean Power Plan designed to limit power plant carbon emissions for the first time.
A study by three former USDA Ag economists concludes the impact of farm subsidies and related programs on food prices and consumption are miniscule.
The report concludes that "land retirements, market regulations, and trade policies have an array of small and offsetting impacts on farm commodity prices."
The authors say despite occasional claims to the contrary, farm subsidy programs have little impact on food consumption, food security, or nutrition in the U.S.