Wheat Farmers Cheering Trade Action Against China
With your Agribusiness Update I'm Susan Allen. Census Bureau data released last Thursday showed median household income in non-metro areas of the United States had increased by 3.4 percent in 2015 and poverty rates had fallen. Given the data New York Times headlines called Rural America beginning to rebound, citing rural counties added more than 250,00 jobs in over the last two years. Reuters reports US wheat farmers are "cheering" trade action against China. Our wheat farmers, could be the main beneficiaries if Washington wins a case brought last week against China over an estimated $100 billion in domestic grain market supports. On Tuesday, U.S. trade officials said they would file a case at the World Trade Organization against China over allegations that aggressive pricing supports prompted Chinese farmers to overproduce corn, wheat and rice, fueling a global crop glut and depressing world prices. Finally Alltech continues to grow at a rate , most recently they opened a crop science production facility in Brazil set to increase production capacity by 150 percent and service the grains markets in Brazil and Latin America.