The Art of Orchard Drip Irrigation
With the Fruit Grower Report, I'm Susan Allen, Drip irrigation is almost an art for orchardists, I was able to catch up with the district sales manager for Riviulis irrigation Daniel Britton, who markets he granddaddy of micro sprinklers that initially gave orchardists the ability to precisionly apply waterBritton: One of the sprinklers that has been around for a long, long time is the Rondo micro sprinkler, that's basically the micro sprinkler that got things started here in the Northwest, with the apples. Its used a lot not only in the Wenatchee area but all the way up to the Candian Border.
And you've told me it's been beefed up
Britton: We have our new updated version of the Rondo, what we call our S2000 it's a beefier micro sprinkler, the barrier unit was redone to give extra life to the sprinkler,there are pressure compensating models as well as you know we have a lot of rolling terrain in this state we don't have flat ground.
So can it be integrated into their current systems?
Britton: It can work with they have, so if they already have their infrastructure of the watering element in the orchard if you will, so with their micro sprinkler if they have to replace it they can simply get this S2000 and put it in through their existing system and move forward from there.
Daniel has a wealth of irrigation knowledge he learned working with Central California farmers during some of the worst drought seasons on record, if you can manage water there, you could do it anywhere