Agribusiness Update
With the Agribusiness Update, I'm Susan Allen The American Farm Bureau Federation has released the results of a survey that shows America's farmers and ranchers want to control their data. The survey also showed that farmers believe a cooperative-style central repository for their information would be the best way to control security and ensure its value. The study also showed a high level of misunderstanding regarding the details of a grower's contracts. 55 percent reported that they didn't know if they owned or controlled their own data. 12 percent indicated their contracts didn't cover that information, and 33 percent reported that their contracts specifically gave them ownership or control over the data they create.Tough Compeition in Exports! John Baize, a consultant who advises the U.S. Soybean Export Council, says the the dollar is a drag on exports."We have a strong U.S. dollar, and we've got weak currency in Argentina and Brazil, our primary competitors," Our farmers see prices today as being terrible. But in Brazil and Argentina, prices are higher than they've had in a long time. He went on to say that ".We're going to see more wheat, sunflowers and corn grown in Argentina in the future, and less soybeans. We don't know how much impact it will be or how soon. Over time, it will have an impact, but it's got to be offset somewhat. It's going to be positive for U.S. soybeans and probably negative for corn and wheat growers."