National Mammal & La Nina
National Mammal & La Nina. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.The weather has been changing. We had an early heat wave here that has now transitioned back to more seasonable temps and conditions but the weather gurus have been keeping their eyes on the El Nino...La Nina and the bubble. The question being raised is whether or not the La Nina weather pattern is transitioning faster than expected. Meteorologist, Brad Rippey says cold water has been coming to the surface in the equatorial Pacific off the South American Coast.
RIPPEY: That many be the first sign that we are in full fledged transition toward La Nina. The quick transition from El Nino to La Nina seems to slightly increase the odds of a hot dry summer in the nations breadbasket. We have seen that several times such as 1983 and 1995 but at this early stage I don't think anybody knows how it's going to unfold for the growing season.
The Vote Bison Coalition is proud to celebrate the House and Senate passage of the National Bison Legacy Act, which when signed by the President will officially make bison the National Mammal of the United States. The bill's passage is the culmination of four year effort by the coalition, a group of more than 60 organizations, tribes and businesses led by the Inter Tribal Buffalo Council, National Bison Association, and Wildlife Conservation Society, to officially commemorate the ecological, cultural, historical and economic contribution of bison. The bison will join the oak as the national tree, the rose as the national flower and the bald eagle as the national emblem - designated 1782 as official symbols of America.
That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.