A Necessary but Undesirable Outcome
Last week the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife decided to enact lethal take on the Imnaha pack following the five livestock depredations that the pack commitment in the month of March. On Friday I talked to Oregon Cattlemen’s Association’s Wolf Committee Chair Todd Nash. He shares more details.Nash: “Several depredations in a row here starting on March 8th and then continuing on through the end of the Month. There were four yearlings that were killed, one buck ram and then there were some injuries as well. It was a enough to cause a request for legal take and then yesterday the four depredating wolves were killed by ODFW.”
Nash continues with
Nash: “Talking to some of the guys last night, they were just breathing a big sigh of relief. Those ranchers that have been trying to keep them at bay. It’s been some sleepless nights and constant worries that something bad is going to happen. It was a bonafide fear that they had realized several times. There was a big relief. It is much appreciated that ODFW took the action; not only did they take action but they were effective in taking out all four wolves that had been causing the problem.”