Turkey Calls

Turkey Calls

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Everybody recognize that sound? Turkey season is just around the corner and I have an expert turkey hunter to talk about cloning them in from their roost. It's old friend Gabe Rostberg. "Once you want to find every night, you are going to go back in the morning and try and get close to that area where they are roosting. That is usually your best bet for calling in a turkey. A lot of people like to use decoys and they set them up to call birds in right off the roost. You want to be within a turkey's comfort zone where if you are in there they will answer you. It may be 100 yards it may be a half-mile depending on where you are hunting. Set up before daylight because usually one half hour after daylight depending on the weather is when turkeys usually fly off the roost. I always try and start my calls off soft because a few too aggressive you may scare them away. Change the cadence, change the loudness.

Everybody recognize that sound? Turkey season is just around the corner and I have an expert turkey hunte to talk about cloning them in from their roost. It's old friend Gabe Rostberg. "Once you want to find every night, you are going to go back in the morning and try and get close to that area where they are roosting. That is usually your best bet for calling in a turkey. A lot of people like to use decoys and they set them up to call birds in right off the roost. You want to be within a turkey's comfort zone where if you are in there they will answer you. It may be 100 yards it may be a half-mile depending on where you are hunting. Set up before daylight because usually one half hour after daylight depending on the weather is when turkeys usually fly off the roost. I always try and start my calls off soft because a few too aggressive you may scare them away. Change the cadence, change the loudness.

Everybody recognize that sound? Turkey season is just around the corner and I have an expert turkey hunte to talk about cloning them in from their roost. It's old friend Gabe Rostberg. "Once you want to find every night, you are going to go back in the morning and try and get close to that area where they are roosting. That is usually your best bet for calling in a turkey. A lot of people like to use decoys and they set them up to call birds in right off the roost. You want to be within a turkey's comfort zone where if you are in there they will answer you. It may be 100 yards it may be a half-mile depending on where you are hunting. Set up before daylight because usually one half hour after daylight depending on the weather is when turkeys usually fly off the roost. I always try and start my calls off soft because a few too aggressive you may scare them away. Change the cadence, change the loudness.

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