WAVE. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.The Washington Wine Commission is embarking on a new program to help educate the wine industry in the state. Melissa Hansen, Program Manager for the Commission discusses WAVE.
HANSEN: We're calling it Washington Advancements in Viticulture and Enology. WAVE is going to be an annual event, the Wine Commission will be the sponsor and it will be designed for growers and winemakers and it will be a way to share cutting edge research, in-depth research that the industry has paid for and been part of, and give them applied bits of knowledge they can use: not wait for a big, fully published research report.
Hansen say that WAVE will present key information for producers.
HANSEN: Things like tannin management, how to manage tannins in their fermentation process from Jim Harbertson. Pest information. We know that we have virus and the disease, we know that mealy bug is a vector, what can we do to control it, keep it out of our vineyards. This will be a lot of applied research. Not the big, lofty, basic research but something they can use.
WAVE will be at the new Wine Science Center in Richland on July 14th.
HANSEN: Other institutions across the country have done similar things, one-day events. Theirs are usually geared more towards researchers, our is geared towards the industry. growers and winemakers. So we will have the researcher there giving their information. The end of the day will be capped off with a wine social hour, of course, we always have to have wine involved.
That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.